مرحبا بكم

مرحبا بكم في الموقع الخاص لمقرر صناعة وسائل اعلام حديثة و الذي يشمل التعريف بنظم و تنظيمات صناعة وسائل الاعلام الحديثة التي ظهرت مع انتشار الانترنت و واكبت التطور المستمر في عالم التكنولوجية. يبدأ المقرر بسرد نبذة تاريخية مختصرة عن تطور وسائل الاتصال الجماهيرية من الكتاب الى الانترنت و من ثم سنتحدث عن مجموعة من النظريات  الاعلامية المرتبطة بكيفية تبني وسائل الاعلام الحديثة و تأثير تلك الوسائل على السلوك الاجتماعي.  بعد ذلك سنركز على  ممارسات و خصائص الصحافة الجديدة التي تطورت و تكيفت مع انتشار استخدام الانترنت و مواقع الإعلام الاجتماعي (Social Media) و اليوتيوب YouTube)) و التلفونات الذكية (Smart Phones).

ارجوا من الكل متابعة هذا الموقع بشكل مستمر و يفضل ان يشترك الكل في هذه المدونة من خلال ادخال البريد الالكتروني في المساحة المتاحة على اسفل الشاشة.

تمنياتي لكم بالتوفيق.

د. عيسى النشمي

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Social Media Coverage: Sawa3d

badgeAfter having my students from last semester successfully covering the Fototalks 2012 annual conference via social media, I decided to do a similar assignment this semester. This time it was covering Sawa3d    , a three day conference focusing on volunteer groups and volunteer work in Kuwait and the Arab World. More than a 100 volunteer groups were part of the event, which welcomed a number of prevalent public figures from the Arab World.


alsabahThe conference included inspirational speeches from leaders of successful not-for profit organizations, workshops on managing and marketing volunteer groups, and the most fun of all, the volunteer group contest where 15 groups gave creative four-minute presentations about their work. The groups where judged by a judging panel and by the audience who had a chance to vote for their favorite groups, on the spot, using their mobile phones.


I had 18 students semester, so I decided to divide them up into four groups and told them they should work as a media team. Their task was to cover the event from start to end—live— via social media. They had to live tweet throughout the event, post pictures on Instagram and shoot, edit and post mobile videos either on Instagram or YouTube. With every post, they were also required to include the course and the event’s hashtags.
#لوطن واعد


My students were hesitant at first and were not quite sure what they were doing and why they were doing it. After a while, they began figuring out that by live covering the event on social media, they were able to guide the conversation and build traffic toward the event’s hashtag. The outcome was absolutely great and my students even got shout outs from speakers, specifically from Ammar Mohammed, one of the leading social media experts in the Arab World. Ammar thanked my students for their effort and also created a storify pertaining to social media coverage of his speech during the event.

More importantly, the content they presented was, in my opinion, remarkable. I asked each group to curate some of their best work and post it on their blogs: you can check out the outcomes here: Group1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4. The effort they made, specifically with shooting and editing videos, was more than I asked for and I truly thank them for that.

I am glad I went about and did this assignment again and I was proud of my students for doing such an excellent job.

Thanks to Sawa3d for trusting us and giving us the opportunity to cover the event freely. I hope we made you proud.

See you again in Sawa3d 2014.

Posted in Blogging, Journalism, Kuwait University, New Media, social media, twitter | Tagged | 1 Comment

تغطية ملتقى سواعد 2013


في الأسبوع القادم ستعملون كصحفيين و ستقومون بتغطية مؤتمر سواعد للفرق و المشاريع التطوعية عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي و بالأخص عبر تويتر و الانستقرام. سيقام المؤتمر من 12 الى 14 نوفمبر في قاعة سلوى بفندق المارينا. ستنقسمون الى أربعة مجموعات و ستعملون كفرق اعلامية لتغطية الحدث. مطلوب من كل مجموعة الحضور في اليوم الأول للمؤتمر و من ثم اختيار يوم اخر

مطلوب في هذا التكليف الاتي

– التغريد بشكل مستمر اثناء فعاليات المؤتمر بإستخدام هاش تاق المؤتمر و المقرر
– إضافة صور متنوعو و ذات معنى عبر الانستقرام و استخدام هاش تاق المؤتر و المقرر. على كل مجموعة نشر 10 صور على الأقل
– إضافة ثلاثة فيديوهات متنوعة على الأقل عبر الانستقرام و استخدام  هاش تاق المؤتمر والمقرر
– كتابة تقرير بإستخدام الوسائاط متعددة عبر المدونة

هاش تاق مؤتمر سواعد:

هاش تاق المقرر:



Posted in Assignment, Blogging, Instagram, New Media, twitter | Leave a comment

Taghreedat: Enriching Arabic Content on the Web

Earlier this year, I went to a one-day Tweet-up in Doha organized by a group called Taghreedat. I’ve never heard of them before, but I my cousin, who is from Qatar, told me about them and urged me to attend their conference.taghreedat

I was really impressed at how a group of young Arabs worked together for one simple initiative: enriching Arabic content on the Internet.  With more than 2,500 volunteers from the Arab world, Tahgreedat was able to work with sites like Google, Twitter, Khan Academy, Storify, and Ted Talks by either translating their content or producing Arabic site interfaces for them

During my lecture on open source and the many to many aspect of the Web, where all of us can work together to produce something or improve it, I decided to contact Taghreedaat and see if I can have my students help out with some of their ongoing projects.  I spoke with Mr. Samy Almubarak from Tagrheedat and he was gracious enough to give me a list of all their projects. I chose to have my students translate videos from Khan Academy, which is basically a free online school that provides educational videos “to anyone  anywhere”.

khanI had my students choose two videos from that site, translate them, and blog about their experience. The translating part was definitely not easy, but it always feels good when you know you did something that would benefit and help a lot of people around the world.

These are the two videos:

Thanks Khan Academy for providing free educational content for us and thanks Taghreedat for allowing us to be part of your team.

Posted in Blogging, Journalism, Kuwait University, New Media, Open Source, التدوين | 1 Comment

From Journalism Interactive to Kuwait University to Fototalks

 A few months ago, I attended the Journalism Interactive Conference held in Gainesville, Florida.  Unlike other conferences I have been to, Journalism Interactive was nScreen shot 2013-04-07 at 8.58.12 PMot research or theory oriented—in fact, it felt more like a gathering of new media professionals and academics who simply shared their experiences on how to integrate the constant changing technological environment with journalism as a profession and with teaching journalism.

I currently teach three courses at Kuwait University: Mass Comm Intro, Multimedia Journalism and New Media Platforms.  Honestly, out of all the classes, I was the least comfortable with teaching New Media Platforms.  This class should have been about introducing students to new and advanced ways of reporting and becoming better journalists or new media personnel, but what I taught my students in previScreen shot 2013-04-07 at 9.21.02 PMous semesters was just history of  technology and new media, and the theoretical frameworks behind utilizing such technologies. I really wasn’t able to connect my vision with the content I was presenting—that was until  I attended Journalism Interactive, of course.

In almost every session I attended, there was always a new site, a new social media platform or a new phone application that was introduced to me by the speakers. Moreover, I was introduced to new exercises for journalism students using such online tools.  I jotted down most of what I could just for the sake of it.

Before I left to the conference, we were two weeks into the spring semester where  I have already developed a course and gave my students their syllabi.  On the way back from Gainesville, however, I looked through my notes and decided to completely change the direction of this class.  My students were shocked at first, were happy when I told them I cancelled the mid-term, and got really really confused when I introduced to them their new assignments-the course now focuses on the uses of social media for reporting, public relations and campaigning.

In an assignment that they have just completed, I asked my students to attend Fototalks 2013, an annual conference for photographers in the Gulf region.   More than 500 guests attended the main event of the conference in the first twScreen shot 2013-04-07 at 9.07.51 PMo days where  a number of professional photographers gave thirty minute speeches about their specialties in photography.

In an attempt to implement what I have learned from Journalism Interactive, I assigned my students to live report from that conference.  The assignment included individually tweeting at least one tweet from every speaker, posting at least four Intsagram pictures a day—they were told to also use the event’s (#fototalks)  and the class’ (#mediakuniv) hashtags with every tweet and Instagram pic–and blogging about their experiences.  As a group, I have asked them to interview at least seven people via Qik and upload their videos onto YouTube and, finally, develop a Storify about this event.

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Twitter feed for #mediakuniv

I didn’t know how would it go at first and  I definitely wasn’t excepting it to be a success. Even though there were bumps here and there, I think my students did vey  very well.  Moreover, I believe my students’ tweets and online coverage was what kept the conversation about the conference going and motivated others to tweet.  They did a wonderful job live tweeting the event and taking pictures. They had some  minor issues with the videos and that was mainly because I didn’t have enough time to teach them about online video techniques and because they had a hard time finding people to interview as people in Kuwait are usually very hesitant when it comes to media exposure.  What I was most happy about was the Storify. I think this is the first Storify made by Kuwait University students—I actually haven’t seen any Storifys from Kuwait, so it could be one of the first ones from Kuwait too.

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Storify for fototalks 2013

With this Storify, my students were able to curate their live reporting in one place and show it to their friends and families; I am able now to show it to others and brag about how wonderful my students are; and the event organizers can use it for advertising for next year’s event.

It was a great learning experience and  I thought it would be good to share it.
Thanks to my students, thanks to fototalks 2013 and thanks to Journalism Interactive.

Posted in Blogging, fototalks, Instagram, Journalism, Journalism Interactive, Kuwait University, New Media, Storify, twitter | 4 Comments

التدوين الاسبوعي

السلام عليكم

كما اوضحت في المحاضارات السابقة سأقوم بتقييم تدوينكم طوال فترة الفصل ومن خلال متابعتي للمدونات لم التمس اهتمام في التدوين من قبل غالبية الطلبة

درجة التدوين جزء كبير من الدرجة النهائية و لذلك يجب عليكم التدوين باستمراراية  عن ارائكم بالمواضيع االمختلفه التي نطرحها بشكل اسبوعي و عن ما تعلمتموه اثناء المحاضرات و اثناء الجزء العملي من هذا المقرر. و بالاضافة الى ذلك يجب عليكم استخدام الطرق الصحيحة للتدوين التي تحدثنا عنها في بداية المقرر.

Posted in Assignment, Blogging, التدوين | 1 Comment

زيارة الأستاذة هند الناهض


نشكر الأخت هند النهاض على تلبيتها دعوتنا حيث القت لنا محاضرة ممتعة و شيقة عن خبراتها  مع مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي و استخدامات تلك المواقع في الكويت من حيث الأسس الشخصية و المهنية

تدوينة الاسبوع: يرجى كتابة انطباعاتكم عن هذه المحاضرة

موعد التسليم: الاثنين ١٠ ديسمبر قبل الساعة ١٢ ليلا
طريقة التسليم: الرد على هذه التدوينة و اضافة رابط

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